Get Your Kids Ready For School in the New Normal


There’s no question that life is easing back to normal as restrictions lift. However, this doesn’t mean that we should all throw caution to the wind just yet. After all, the novel coronavirus is still very much at large, which means that there’s still a good chance that your kids will be exposed to the threat when they return to school. Here are some of the best things you can do to protect your family.

Prioritize School Safety

It’s a sad fact that as long COVID-19 remains viable, anywhere outside the sanctuary of home is unsafe—including school. For this reason, going back to school will include precautionary measures to protect them.

Don’t Forget Home Safety

While home is the safest haven in the pandemic, it’s still not spared from danger completely. Until COVID-19 leaves this world for good, staying on top of your cleaning and disinfection measures is a must.

  • As you come home from school, work, etc., do what health workers do and have a checklist for entering the home.

  • No doubt, the best way to keep COVID-19 out of your home is keeping your house clean and maintaining good hygiene.

  • Pay close attention to places where germs might lurk undetected.

Above All, Keep Them Healthy

Good health is your kids’ best and most effective weapon against COVID-19. Keeping your family’s immune system in tiptop shape could be your most important job yet in this pandemic.

Indeed, we haven’t seen the last of the coronavirus, which means there’s no reason to let down your guard just yet, especially when it comes to your kids. Continue social distancing and keeping your hands, home, and everything else clean because the fight continues.

Author, Jenna Sherman (